
It is a pleasant October night…the autumn kisses the night’s cold with every wind breeze, with every star’s twinkle. In my heart everything it’s so messed up that I don’t even remember when you appeared, not even when you disappeared…I don’t know why you came in my life and neither your intention. I didn’t need anyone, I had myself and that was enough. Things were so simple and known, they were calmed and situated. Suddenly, you arrived and I couldn’t find anymore my place in the scenery. The first smile remained on my lips just like a butterfly, feeding its thirst from my longing of you.

Later, I met you and everything seemed so naturally till the day when I found the last smile somewhere, deep in my body, serried in a corner, watching out for other thoughts…and I gave it to you. With just a look you changed my season and the rain drops scattered me again sadness. With a hand you were the holding the umbrella and with the other one you were holding me….but there wasn’t anymore “us” and the universe of drops, it was a whole cold world of thoughts between us. I wished I had told you something more, but the rain has already told too much…I take a deep look at you, although you’re part of the past…it stills hurts. Too late I understood that actually I wasn’t needed there because you had conquered all my space and there was nothing else for me. Now I wonder myself, where could I look for you, where I can find you if you’re not even in my memories anymore? Why did you come in my life if you knew that you would leave it so fast?

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